Brian Davies Executive Coach and Mentor - TERMS AND CONDITIONS 09.3 2018
1. Costs, invoicing & payment terms
(a) Chemistry meetings
I do not charge for initial meetings (‘chemistry meetings’) where coach and coachee explore
whether they want to work together. If the initial meeting develops into a first coaching session
then, provided the assignment is confirmed (but not otherwise), I will charge for that first
coaching session.
(b) Rates for coaching
Coaching rates will be agreed with you before I begin work. I am happy to agree rates on a
per-session basis or on the basis of a coaching programme. Where I agree with you the use of
any psychometric tests these are charged for at cost to us.
I do not charge travel expenses for travel within Central London. I will charge for costs I
incur for travel on your behalf outside Central London – typically 2nd class rail fare or 50p per mile
for car journeys. If air travel is involved I will discuss this with you first.
(c) Invoicing and payment terms
I will agree with you at the outset when invoices are to be submitted. For coaching
programmes the fee is typically payable in full at the outset, or in two parts – half at the outset and
the remainder when half the programme has been completed.
Invoices will be submitted by email. Payment is due within 30 working days of receipt of the
emailed invoice in accordance with statutory requirements.
2. Confidentiality
I will not disclose without their consent the identities of individuals I am coaching or have
The content of coaching sessions is confidential. However, I recognise the firm’s interest in
knowing how the coaching is progressing and I encourage coachees to provide feedback
directly to the firm on their experience. You agree that, to the extent you require such feedback,
you will seek it directly from the coachee. You will not enquire from me, and I will not disclose to
you, such confidential information.
In addition, I will not disclose any other confidential information received from you as part of our
work with you.
I will on request keep you informed that coaching sessions have been held and advise you if
sessions are cancelled.
Where an interim review has been agreed I will inform you when it is time to arrange this.
3. Cancellation policy
I make no charge where a coaching session is cancelled or rearranged more than 2 working
days in advance.
For cancellations or changes on shorter notice I will not charge if the reason is a serious
personal issue (e.g. serious illness, bereavement).
In all other cases I charge in full for the missed session.
4. Coaching outcomes – unexpected developments
Coaching is intended to produce change, action, results. Sometimes the outcomes are other than
expected. In particular, when individuals take time to reflect deeply on their roles, their motivation
and the value they bring to their organisations this may lead them to conclude they don’t want an
expected promotion – or even that they are in the wrong place and should resign. In our view this
can be beneficial to organisations – if individuals are not fully committed in their roles, the sooner
they and the organisation realise that the sooner steps can be taken to remedy it. In instructing me
to work with you, you confirm that you recognize and accept this may be an outcome of the
5. Resolving disputes
My aim is to build long-term valued relationships with my clients. If you are not happy with my
service I will do my utmost amicably to resolve any problem you have.
If we cannot resolve the problem, I will invite you to agree to independent mediation.
This agreement is subject to English law and the courts of England & Wales shall have exclusive
jurisdiction to hear any action based upon it.